A Horrible Half-term! When Science meets History

A Horrible Half-term! When Science meets History

Booking information

Event details

A Horrible Half-term!

Moyse’s Hall are doing something extra special for the school break with a terrific mix of history and science.

Moyse's Hall are going to be having a ‘Horrible Half-term’, all in honour of Horrible Histories author/creator, Terry Deary, writing 6 stories for us which you can now see in the galleries.

Weekday activities
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10.30am-3pm, no booking required.
• Make “oobleck” goo – the “Non-Newtonian” gore that behaves very odd!
• Make Movie Blood! – great for smearing
• Terrifying Handling – handle real execution, torture, crime and punishment artefacts! All in a family friendly way of course…
• Take a closer look at historical POO! Our team are getting out their special microscope and looking at collections a little closer. Check out real Saxon poo, animal remains and witchcraft items.

Weekend activities
Sat & Sun, both weekends: book a slot between 10am-4pm.
Book an extra special tour with one of our Heritage Officers. Horrible medieval smells, handling and gruesome ‘family friendly’ stories. Booking essential: call Moyse’s Hall on 01284 757163.

All children are only £3 - no extra charges for activities!

Times: 10.30am-3pm weekdays, 10am-4pm weekends
Tickets: Adults £5, Children and Concessions £3, Family ticket (5 people) £25, Heritage Ticket holders go free.
Booking: Essential for weekend tours, please call Moyses Hall on 01284 757163, but not required for weekday activities.
Venue: Moyse's Hall Museum, Bury St Edmunds

This event is promoted by West Suffolk Council.